Tectonic amendments to Division 7A have been proposed for around three years, with very little detail, making it extremely difficult for practitioners to properly advise their clients.
At this seminar Tax Partner Andrew Noolan will recap the amendments and highlight the issues in the existing Division 7A provisions to assist you in advising your clients.
The session will include:
What we know of the proposed changes from the consultation paper and how to plan for them, including:
loan terms;
statute barred amounts and pre-4/12/97 loans; and
pre 16/12/09 UPEs.
Issues with the existing Division 7A terms, including:
repayment that get disregarded;
interposed entity rules; and
unitisation arrangements.
We will be presenting this seminar simultaneously in-person AND online (via Zoom). Please choose which option you would like to attend by selecting the relevant ticket for either "in-person" or "on Zoom" at registration. Please note in-person places are limited due to COVID capacity guidelines. If the in-person places are fully subscribed, you may join a waitlist and choose to still access the seminar via the Zoom option.
Join us as we prepare for the unknown!
Andrew Noolan
E ajn@bwslawyers.com.au
P 02 9394 1092