The ATO has released four new pieces of guidance that demonstrate a more aggressive position in relation to the taxation of distributions from discretionary trusts to related companies and family members. The approaches set out in these documents represent a change in ATO policy and indicate that the ATO will be focusing on these areas in the future.
Importantly, the ATO looks set to attack what many accountants may consider to be regular tax planning for trust income. Therefore it is critical that all controllers of trusts, accountants and tax advisers understand the ATO's new approach.
Join Andrew Noolan and Matthew McKee as they consider the implications of the guidance, both in terms of year ending tax planning for this financial year and also with regards to the past affairs of trusts and whether they need to be reviewed.
Matthew McKee
E mpm@bwslawyers.com.au
P 02 9394 1032
Andrew Noolan
E ajn@bwslawyers.com.au
P 02 9394 1092