Most accountants and lawyers are aware of the duty implications of changing a trustee of a trust that holds dutiable property in New South Wales – as long as any new trustee or continuing trustee cannot benefit under the trust, the duty payable on a transfer of dutiable property to the new trustee or continuing trustee will only be $50.
Read MoreAfter the introduction of land tax and duty surcharges for foreign persons acquiring or holding residential land in NSW, it was thought that discretionary and certain hybrid trust deeds needed to be amended by no later than 31 December 2016 to ensure that the surcharges would not be imposed on those trusts.
Read MoreRight to die grandmother has "Do Not Resuscitate" TATTOO on her chest (and "PTO" on her back!)
A grandmother who wants doctors to let her die if she falls ill has had 'Do Not Resuscitate' tattooed across her chest – and 'PTO' on her back.
Read MoreIn a recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW, Lodin v Lodin; Estate of Dr Mohammad Masoud Lodin [2017] NSWSC (the Lodin Case) a former spouse of 20 plus years who had only been married to the deceased for 18 months and had a final property settlement was awarded a portion of her ex‑spouse's estate.
Read MoreAn update on on our previous article: 60 million reasons to perfect your security interest
The Full Court of the Supreme Court of NSW has rejected an appeal against the decision in Forge Group Power Pty Limited (in liquidation) (receivers and managers appointed) v General Electric International Inc NSWSC 52 (11 February 2016).
Read MoreThe growing jurisprudence in Australia in relation to the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) has demonstrated, once again, how a defective registration on the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) can result in a security interest being unenforceable upon the grantor of that security interest becoming insolvent.
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